Although it’s been an immensely challenging year the Docklands Chamber of Commerce has continued to deliver for its members and Docklands in general:
- Over 1800 social posts on behalf of our businesses and Docklands in general with a reach in excess of 10 million and our largest single post resulting in 4500 comments
- Extrapolating a survey period of January/February 2020 the chamber received in excess of 13000 emails
- Extrapolating the same period the chamber averaged 17 phone calls per day
- We directly assisted in 42 grants applications and helped to expediate 22 extended license applications
- 112 newsletters were produced
- The front facing member website – was rebuilt and The Docklands Business Awards website was also built
- We hosted our first and very successful Docklands business awards with the sitting Lord Mayor and Deputy Lord Mayor in attendance
- We hosted two speed networking events with full attendance
- We hosted what was widely recognised as the best virtual ‘Meet the Candidates’ forum
- We ceased invoicing our members during the COVID lockdown but continued to market and advocate on their behalf
- We invested heavily into the development of a business plan showcasing permanent activation of the Harbour (development in our finances)
- We continued our promise investing marketing directly for our members (marketing in finances)
We continue to work towards our 5 years strategic plan, having now begun the 4th year and obviously stifled by lockdowns, but this would see a full time executive by the end of the 5th year and we welcome the City of Melbourne’s election promise to increase funding in order to do so.
Shane Wylie
Executive Officer