The Docklands Chamber of Commerce in partnership with The Docklands News is hosting a Meet the Candidates night virtually by zoom on October 7 at 6pm.
Registration via email is mandatory to attend >>
Also detailed below here are the guidelines we have set for the event to ensure each candidate has the appropriate time to present to the audience.
- Only the mayoral candidate or their nominated deputy may speak if the mayoral candidate is unavailable
- The meeting will be recorded and sections may be edited and released. The DCC is apolitical and does not endorse any particular candidate. Any release of information will be for public knowledge.
- We are unable to control 3rd party recording and will not be held responsible for any party releasing additional footage
- The order of introduction will be current Lord Mayor of Melbourne, current Deputy Lord Mayor of Melbourne with the remaining attendees randomly selected. The candidate will be able to introduce themself for 2 minutes
- 3 set questions will be made available to each candidate on behalf of ‘Docklands’ for which each candidate will be given a total of 3 minutes to address – timelines will be strictly monitored.
- 3 questions will be sourced from the attendees in total prior to the meeting which will be made available to the candidates 24 hours in advance. Each candidate will have 3minutes to address – timelines will be strictly monitored.
- Attendees must register by email and submit any proposed questions 2 days prior
- Attendee videos and microphones will be muted (other than the candidates)